TATri Blessed Satsang of our SatguruMAji about what each one is:

"What you will become of yourself is what you already are... you are life... 

You are life flowing here now... 

Embrace the life that you are, honor it, while we are life... we are possibility... 

Do not wait for what you are going to be without first embracing what you are now... 

Love yourself here now, otherwise, nothing what could come to be, you will be able to love...

Embrace yourself, love yourself, you are perfect... Love your perfection, in your present moment... because that present moment in what you are here now is going to sustain what you are going to be...

Just accept yourself deeply without spiritual rhetoric, do not look at so many words outside... connect with what you are here now in your heart..."💗

 (Extract from the BLESSED SATSANG of  day  17/01/2021)