Words of our SatguruMA ji and Her TATri VIDYA: The 7 steps to the Transcendence.
In TATri Vidya, the most important steps for the transcendence of any encapsulating belief of this illusion are:
1- External Experience
2- Observation
3- Internal Experience
4- Comprehending
5- Understanding
6- Consciousness
7- Transcendence
2- Observation: Contemplating without dialogue or projecting on the internal or external experience.
3- Internal Experience: the emotion and/or sensation generated from a sincere observation without dialogue.
4- Comprehending: it is when it unifies the internal and external experience without resistance and dialogue. Certainly.
5- Understanding: the mind can put words and express what is understood.
6- Consciousness: there is no longer internal conflict.
7- Transcendence: the previous experience, observed and comprehend, IS NOT REPEATED.